Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nathan's 18 month check up and EXCITING news!

Nathan's 18 month check up was today. Everything went great. I was able to express my concerns for Nathan's therapy issues which made me feel better. He is working on getting us set up with a different set of therapist to see if we can find something a little more aggressive and also someone willing to work on FEEDING. Feeding is a thorn in my side right now.

In other big news Nathan has been trying to imitate sound some. Yesterday he started trying to mimic MaMa well today he got it. All we heard all night was mamamamamamama and some more mamamamamamamama. I love it! Not sure if it is being directed towards me right now but we have all agreed it is definitely his 1st word,

Happy Valentines and Heart Day

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Awareness Week

I figured since it is Heart Month and almost CHD awareness week then what better time to really get into this blog and get it going again. Please bare with me while I make some changes to the blog and update a few things on it. I would love to be able to use this blog as my outlet so my intentions are not so much just about Nathan but about all of us. Yes I will keep updates coming about Nathan but you can also follow him at www.caringbridge.org/visit/nathanweems. Something new and exciting for me is that I have the opportunity to blog for heartwaves.org. A national platform for "Heart" families. I want more opportunities to reach out and give back so I hope this is my starting point.

Update on the Monkey: Nathan is doing awesome and growing like a weed. We got some exciting news when we saw his pulmonologist. Nathan is making such great progress so now we get to try letting him nap without the vent. To find our more about Nathan read his story in the pages above or click here Nathan's Story. I still have some work to do to update his story but it starts at the beginning. I just need to get it updated to this point.

Here's to blogging and my future followers!